v6.09.9 [Mar 7, 2012]
Centralized Wiping Tasks & Policies
Centralized Reporting
Convenient Browser-Based Interface
Flexible Licensing Options
v5.0 [Nov 15, 2010]
Enhanced functionality and interface for BCWipe Task Manager
- Service mode added for more powerful wiping privileges like wiping locked files
- Hidden and silent operations
Run wiping without displaying tasks and messages on screen
- Progress of running tasks displayed in status column
- Terminate running tasks from Task Manager
- View detailed progress by opening associated log file
- Show which user created each wiping task (convenient for multi-user computers)
- More attractive icons added to user interface
Additional task scheduling options
- At system startup – before logon
Wiping tasks scheduled 'at startup' were previously performed at user log on. For added security, this properly evolved 'startup' task schedule now truly runs at system startup before user log on. When wiping tasks run at startup, they are not displayed on the screen anywhere – the wiping operation is performed in the background, transparently and silently. Scheduling wiping tasks at user log on is now listed more accurately as the 'logon' option.
- At logoff/shutdown
When a user has finished working on the computer and is ready to leave for the day, BCWipe tasks can just be set to run at logoff/shutdown without additional effort. Scheduling tasks at logoff/shutdown also increases the power for wiping web browser history. Some Internet Explorer files are locked by the system and cannot be completely wiped while Windows is active. Running wiping tasks at logoff resolves this issue.
- While no users are logged on
If wiping tasks are set to run on a regular schedule (daily or weekly), then they can still be completed even if the user is logged off. In cases where multiple users share a computer, a wiping task scheduled by one user will still run if another user is logged on – wiping tasks run as long as the computer is turned on.
Expanded use of Wipe Internet History and Wipe Local History
v3.1 [Nov 16, 2007]
Vista support